Tuesday, April 19, 2011

On the road to recovery, and thus one step closer to training for the half-marathon! Woo-hoo! :)

For the past few months, whenever I went road-running for more than like 3 miles, I could anticipate knee pain for the last several miles of the run, followed by limping for a couple of days, and having trouble taking the stairs for a couple of days after that. After limping around this past weekend from doing a 6.5 mile road run last Thursday (I knew that would happen when I decided to run, but it was SO gorgeous outside that I couldn't resist!), tonight I decided to finally go back to my orthopaedic specialist. So, after work, I joined some friends from work at Capital Alehouse for our office happy hour. We shared some laughs while discussing the "Bacon Challenge" charity fundraiser that I was involved in last week (we raised over $2,200 between the competing factions; one group was raising money to see me, the office vegetarian, eat a bacon-maple sundae, while the "Save Juliana and the Ice Cream, Too" fund came to my rescue and was successful in sparing me from eating that gross concoction). I hung out for a bit and enjoyed a delicious black bean burger topped with cilantro-lime slaw and an ancho-chili sauce (a few curious coworkers came over to inspect the burger, taken aback by the idea that I was eating a real burger...I quickly assured them that they had nothing to worry about...you couldn't pay me to eat red meat!), along with pita chips and a healthy dose of what I believe is the best hummus in Richmond. Anyway, I'm rambling and I know you don't need a recap of every detail of my evening, so let me get back on topic. When I left Cap Ale, I headed out to the West End to get my knee checked out. I fully expected him to x-ray my knee and tell me that it was suffering from chondromalacia patella, which he diagnosed for my left knee last October. However, it turns out that there is only slight evidence of that, and the real problem is a minor meniscus tear. So, the doc gave me a cortisone shot, along with the orders to rest it for 10 days (aka no running). After 10 days, I can start with 1 mile and gradually work my way back up.

I'm sooo excited to be able to run pain free (hopefully) again soon!! And the horror stories about cortisone shots are SO over-exaggerated! Seriously, I barely felt the needle at all! Granted, I guess once you've had a few injections in your eye, all other shots seem like a breeze by comparison. But nonetheless, I don't think anyone's ever been so excited to get a shot as I was tonight! LOL. The whole concept of a shot being able to eliminate all pain in a joint sounds almost too good to be true, but I'm optimistic that it's gonna be successful and I'll be able to start training for the half-marathon soon! :)

And to make my night even better, my buddy HC just emailed me to let me know that he got them to box up the leftover hummus from our happy hour tonight and it will be awaiting me in the office fridge when I get to work! Homemade hummus for lunch tomorrow!!!!! Woo-hoo! :)

And on that happy note, I'm signing off....

Oh, and only 6 more days until Easter! Which also means i can have ice cream and chocolate again! Although, being deprived of chocolate really hasn't bothered me...at least not nearly as much as ice cream has been tempting me. I think as soon as the Easter service at church is over on Sunday, I'm going to suggest to Mom and Jon that we skip lunch and head straight for the ice cream shop! Haha. Just kidding....but only halfway! :)

Night y'all!

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